We are coordinators of the HYPERGRYD and the HYSTORE, funding from the European Union.
Formem part de WATTEGA
MEET USWe are the union between an engineering and a consultancy
that makes the sustainable progress of our society possible.HOSPITALS
Long track record in health projects
We design the offices of the future
We are committed to research and innovation
We preserve our precious patrimony
From Barcelona to the world
We are accelerators of the ecological transition.
With innovation. With knowledge.
Project Engineering
We design, plan, coordinate and manage all our projects based on the needs of our clients and within the different parameters of each installation with future sustainability in mind.
Technical Consulting
We support our clients to design and achieve the best strategy possible within their technical requirements using an approach based on partnership, bringing our know-how and values to the relationship to ensure success.
Legal Consulting
We help our clients with regulatory compliance, both in terms of obtaining the correct permissions and licenses for the operating activities of the installations, as well as guaranteeing people’s safety and the protection of the environment.
We are committed to research and development as the driving force for growth, both in society in general and also for our own professional and personal development. We are involved in a range of projects involving European and regional funding.
Our team
WATTEGA – ARCbcn & ERF compta amb un equip de més de 50 professionals amb àmplia experiència i formació específica en els camps de l’enginyeria, l’arquitectura i la consultoria energètica i ambiental, per tal de donar el millor servei als clients i la major qualitat als projectes. L’equip compta amb diferents perfils acadèmics, la majoria d’ells ampliats amb postgraus i màsters tècnics, de project management i de gestió empresarial, de reconegudes universitats i escoles de negocis.

Join the team
Professionalism, knowledge, cohesion, innovation, commitment.
You share these values too?